Showcase Projects

White Oak Semiconductor Project

Richmond, VA

$2.8 million

R.S. Harritan was involved in this project from the start. We performed all of the underground plumbing for the "FAB" Building. This included all trenching and layout, setting all piping to invert elevations and installation. All of the above piping was cast iron push joint with gaskets. We also installed all above ground plumbing for the entire "FAB" Building. This included all roof drains and overflows, sink drains, and toilet facilities, including all fixtures. The above ground plumbing consisted of cast iron, PVC and copper. We performed all inside work under strict protocol for clean room activity. We installed approximately 12,000 feet of pipe on this project.

We also fabricated and delivered chilled water piping, steam and condensate piping. We fabricated all size piping, ranging from 2 1/2" up to 30". We fabricated approximately 8,000 feet of carbon steel and stainless steel pipe. This included approximately 20,000 inches of weld from 806 isometric drawings. We also purchased, fabricated and delivered numerous amounts of duct. We fabricated stainless steel, galvanized and aluminum duct. Half of the duct fabrication was "ultra high purity" clean duct. We also purchased, fabricated and delivered numerous miscellaneous steel fabrications. This fabrication ranged from platforms to angle iron supports. We carry welding certifications procedures to qualify us on all types of materials and procedures.